Ski, relax and relax! 50% discount on sauna and private jacuzzi until 31 March 2025! More info!

Ski, relax and relax! 50% discount on sauna and private jacuzzi until 31 March 2025! More info!

Ski, relax and relax! 50% discount on sauna and private jacuzzi until 31 March 2025! More info!

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75. ARRIVAL of Krakonoš in Harrachov

When: March 18, 2023
Where: Harrachov

Program at the crossroads near Karolína

10:00 – 11:00 registration of masks
11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. City parade with Krakonoš and his entourage

Program at the running stadium:
12:00 toast Krakonoš, the mayor, Count Harrach and guests
12:30 Performance by majorettes from Poniklé, Jablonce nad Jizerou, Rokytnice nad Jizerou
13:00 live dinosaur - children's program
13:45 announcement of the competition for the best masks
14:20 performance of the band "Dogs and Cats"

You can look forward to a rich Krakonoš raffle, stall sales, children's workshops, face painting, bouncy castle, competitions, ...

Free entry!

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Ski, relax and relax! 50% discount on sauna and private jacuzzi until 31 March 2025! More info!

