Ski, relax and relax! 50% discount on sauna and private jacuzzi until 31 March 2025! More info!

Ski, relax and relax! 50% discount on sauna and private jacuzzi until 31 March 2025! More info!

Ski, relax and relax! 50% discount on sauna and private jacuzzi until 31 March 2025! More info!

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You can come to the mining museum in Harrachov even in winter

If you are briefly tired of skiing or other winter fun while staying in Harrachov, look underground.

The local mining museum is open in winter every Tuesday and Wednesday until March 16, 2022, and tours take place at 10:30, 12:30, 14:30 and 15:30.

Do you want to take a break from skiing in Harrachov? Make your stay more interesting by visiting the underground. The exposition and tour gallery of the Harrachov Mining Museum is open every Tuesday and Wednesday until 16 March.

It is a former ore mine (operating in the years 1957 - 1992), in which mainly fluorite, barite, quartz and galena were mined. The preserved operating floor (now the inspection gallery) measures approximately 1 kilometer with a year-round temperature of 7-10 ° C. The guided tour of the gallery lasts less than an hour and you will get to know the tools, equipment and work of former miners. The museum also includes expositions from the history of Harrachov and Czech mining, including a rich exhibition of ore minerals mined not only in Harrachov.

The Mining Museum is located on the eastern outskirts of Harrachov, close to the bus station and the central car park. The road to the nearby Mumlavský waterfall leads around it.

The tours take place at 10:30, 12:30, 14:30 and 15:30 in groups of at least 4 to a maximum of 25 people (children are allowed to enter the gallery from the age of 4 accompanied by an adult). Orders and reservations are possible by calling 602 603 739. Admission to the mine costs 150 crowns, reduced 80 CZK.

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Ski, relax and relax! 50% discount on sauna and private jacuzzi until 31 March 2025! More info!

